With everyone spending more time in their homes, every inch of space is being utilized. This is especially true with outdoor spaces. Having a place to get much needed fresh air is a hot commodity these days. You may have overlooked your terrace in the past. However, this is the time to turn that blank space into a retreat to enjoy. It may look cold and hard right now, but with some special touches, you can turn your terrace into your own private sanctuary. 


Cement floors and metal railings are not inviting. Although it is tempting to jump right into decorating your terrace with plants and furniture, first address the structure itself. Improving the base of your terrace will go a long way towards making it feel warm and luxurious. Consider updating the floor with a floating rooftop deck. These wooden panels sit on the surface of the floor, which allows you to maintain proper drainage. The warm color of wood floors, along with the visual interest of a geometric design, will vastly upgrade your space. If your terrace has a railing, consider switching to glass panels. This will really open up the space and make it feel larger.


Raised flower beds are a great way to disguise ugly HVAC units or other equipment on the terrace. Just make sure they have proper drainage in the base. They can be built with wide edges for some added space to sit a coffee cup or cocktail. If your terrace doesn’t have a good view, then consider planting taller plants to create your own secret garden. Bamboo is a durable option that grows quickly. Another nice touch is to incorporate vines that climb the walls of your terrace. It will maximize the green space of the area. 

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You want to be able to enjoy your terrace as much as possible, so do not forget about the nighttime. Less is more when it comes to lighting your terrace. You want to be able to see, not feel under a spotlight. String lights are a popular option and are not expensive. For a custom look, consider floor lighting on steps or around the perimeter. If your terrace has any art or an eye-catching tree, then point a soft spotlight at it to give the space a focal point.

Garden terraces can change with the seasons, and evolve over time. Paying attention to these specific design elements will elevate your terrace to the most popular room in your home.