Heating oil is a low-viscosity, liquid petroleum product used as fuel for furnaces and boilers. It is a popular fuel among American households.

The usage of home heating oil as a means of generating heat for your residence has several advantages. When the level is becoming low, you should check it frequently and request a top-up. Your family will keep warm all winter long if you prepare beforehand. Hopefully, this article will help you learn more about this energy source and decide if it’s right for your family.

It’s Affordable

Heating oil is an excellent value for home heating. It is cheaper than electricity or natural gas and is a safer, more environmentally friendly option for your home.

It is essential to understand that prices for heating oil vary up and down from month to month. It is because of supply and demand factors.

Fortunately, oil supplies are well stocked and should continue to meet consumer and commercial demand for many years. In addition, the US is not dependent on any one country for its oil supply.

To make heating oil more affordable, you can pre-buy your fuel, lock in the current market price or secure an oil delivery Newton NJ. Or, you can choose a budget plan that charges a flat monthly rate for the entire year. 

It’s a Renewable Resource

In contrast to limited non-renewable resources, which will ultimately run out, renewable resources are regenerated or replaced naturally through time.

Along with other energy sources, renewable resources include sunshine, wind, and water. These resources are replenished and regenerated rather quickly.

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Typically, these resources are unlimited, so their products can be continually increased. They are also cleaner than other forms of energy, such as coal and oil.

Heating oil, in particular, is a renewable resource and one of the cleanest options for domestic and commercial heating. It’s commonly delivered by tank truck to residential and commercial buildings and stored in above-ground storage tanks (ASTs) or underground storage tanks (USTs).

It’s Safe

Heating oil and diesel fuel are examples of the petroleum product category known as distillates. The two primary uses for heating oil are water and boilers (for space heating). Heating oil has red color added to it. One of the safest fuels for heating homes is heating oil. If an oil tank breaks or there is a spill, it won’t spontaneously combust or explode as natural gas would. 

It’s also less flammable than many people think. If you drop a match into a heating oil tank, the flame will fizzle like in water.

The oil in your tank must be heated to 140 degrees Fahrenheit before burning. It ensures that heating oil is never a fire hazard.

Moreover, Ultra Low Sulfur (ULS) heating oil has made it a better option for your health and the environment.

Despite this, it’s still important to know some safety tips. For example, ensure that anything flammable is at least 3 feet away from your burner and do regular maintenance checks. And remember to install carbon monoxide detectors in every room of your home.

It’s Efficient

Many people must realize that heating oil is a highly efficient energy source. It uses 35% less fuel to produce the same heat as natural gas. Plus, it creates the hottest flame of any home heating fuel allowing it to warm your house more quickly.

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Moreover, it’s also one of the cleanest burning forms of heating available today. And with the recent introduction of ultra-low sulfur heating oil, greenhouse gas emissions are dramatically reduced, resulting in healthier air for you and your family to breathe. And, as you might expect, it’s more affordable than electricity or natural gas. The average cost of using heating oil is typically 2 to 5 times less expensive than a comparable fuel alternative.