Septic tanks are watertight containers that hold wastewater. They’re buried in the ground near your home.

Solid waste goes to the bottom as sludge, and oil and grease float to the top as scum. A T-shaped outlet prevents sludge and scum from exiting the tank and traveling to the drain field area.


Septic tank draining services Orlando, FL, are essential in clearing away the accumulated waste at the bottom of a septic tank and transporting it to an absorption field, known as the drain field or absorption field, where it will trickle through soil layers into treatment areas for treatment and degradation by aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.

Scheduling a pumping service at about three-quarters completion is wise before your septic system becomes full and overflows into your yard. This way, foul odors, slow-draining sinks and toilets, and standing water in the yard as indicators that your tank requires pumping can all help reduce overflow problems. Also, ensure you know where it is located so the professionals can access it easily; additionally, it would help if any paperwork like blueprints or previous inspection reports that detail its location can also help.


Septic tank inspections can help you determine if your tank is full or nearing empty. A professional can look for a layer of sludge clogging the drain field or other signs that the septic system is malfunctioning, like water flowing back into the tank.

The tank can also be inspected for physical damage. The contractor can check the condition of the baffles, lid, and pump and for cracks in the tank itself. A cracked septic tank can overflow into the absorption field, which can be a costly and dangerous problem. The overflow can also introduce harmful bacteria and diseases into nearby waterways and groundwater supplies.

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Avoid putting harmful wastes down your septic tank, including cigarette butts, diapers, and paper towels. Only bath tissue should be flushed, and trees and long-rooted plants should never be planted over the septic tank or drain field. Ask your septic service technician about treating your drain field with a product that increases the amount of bacteria breaking down septage in the soil.


When a septic tank fills up, it can no longer appropriately separate and treat wastewater. This waste can flow back into your drains and overflow the septic tank’s outlet, releasing foul-smelling sewage. It can overflow into nearby waterways and contaminate water wells, creeks, rivers, and other lakes and streams.

A septic tank is a watertight container buried underground to hold waste until it separates. The heaviest material in the waste sinks to the bottom of the tank and forms sludge, while fats and oils float to the top and form scum. The remaining liquid wastewater exits the tank through a T-shaped outlet and enters the drain field for further treatment.

Homeowners should look for septic tank draining services that offer more than just pumping. They should also check if the company offers inspections, repairs, and other septic tank maintenance services. This can help homeowners keep their septic tanks in good condition and prevent premature wear-out. For example, a septic tank repair service might include clog removal and hydrojetting of the septic system to ensure a thorough cleanout.


Septic systems often go unnoticed until problems arise, like foul odors or clogged drains. Septic tank specialists use vacuum trucks to pump out sludge from septic tanks, allowing them to inspect the system’s condition thoroughly and make any necessary repairs.

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This can include fixing the effluent pump, which distributes wastewater from the septic tank to pipes in the drain field. The technician can also check the distribution box for any physical damage and look for signs of corrosion on the septic tank walls.

If cracks or leaks have damaged the septic tank, it may need to be replaced. Depending on the severity of the damage, this could cost thousands of dollars. In addition to replacing the tank, septic tank repair services can also fix any problems with the drain field and the plumbing inside the home. These repairs can save you money over time and help prevent sewage backups.