Many people dream of moving to New York for a wide variety of reasons. There are plenty of restaurants, parks and outdoor courts with good LED lighting, and great nightlife options. However, in such a crowded state it can be difficult to find the right apartment for your needs. Below are some helpful tips that can make finding an apartment in New York a little easier.

Refine Your Search Results

The first thing to do when looking for a new apartment is to run a simple Google search. However, this isn’t always as easy as it might seem. To get results that actually apply to your needs, it is important that your search term is as specific as possible. Because of this, it can be helpful to have some kind of idea of where exactly you want to live in New York and how big of an apartment you need. As an example, if you are looking for a one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan, search for east side manhattan 1 bedroom to get specific results.

Know Your Budget

No matter where you are renting, you need to know how much you can afford to pay in rent each month. It should also be noted that rent prices in New York, especially in the city, tend to be more expensive than in other areas of the United States. According to Renthop, between 2017-2019, the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in New York was between $300-3250 a month. If you cannot afford this, then it might be best to live outside the city, even if you want to still live in New York state. Also, remember to keep in mind that you may need to pay additional bills, like Wi-Fi, utilities, parking costs, food, and more.

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Before you make the move to New York, it’s best to do your research so you can find the right apartment for both your space needs and your budget. Use these two tips and you will have a much easier time finding the right apartment for you.