An exercise program is as essential to the proper functioning of your business’s facility as it is to your body. Routine valve exercising ensures the optimum performance of all systems when you need them.

What Is a Valve Exerciser?

A valve exerciser or valve turner is a device that assists with maintaining underground or above-ground valves that control the flow of water or fuel to your facility. In addition, valve exercising is vital to your building’s safe operation because it prevents rust and debris from within pipes from rendering the system’s valves inoperable. Furthermore, repeatedly opening and closing the valves ensures their full range of motion, allowing them to open during an emergency easily.

How Frequently Should Valve Exercising Occur?

Valve exercising frequency depends upon the size and function of your facility. For example, a hospital or any building that depends on its water supply for vital services should undergo this process annually to prevent a malfunction due to rust and debris build-up. Other facilities can undergo inspections at least every few years. In any case, you do not want to neglect this vital maintenance that can save you time and money during an urgent situation. 

When Is Efficient Valve Turning Necessary?

A properly functioning control valve can ensure that you can shut off the flow of water or gas in your building in case of an emergency. For example, a broken pipe can quickly flood your building’s interior, but you can minimize the damage if you can quickly and easily turn off the valve and stop the flow. In other instances, a leaky hot water valve can cause unnecessarily high energy costs that can affect profitability and waste energy

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Your building’s maintenance plan should involve periodic systems inspections. Part of the process should include hiring a valve turning contractor to perform regular maintenance to ensure the control you need during an emergency.