Many homes across the country are plumbed with hard water. This means the water flowing through the pipes and into appliances and the kitchen sink is full of minerals and metals. Homeowners often find that hard water is, well, hard on the household. If you live in an area where the water is hard, and you probably do, you may already realize just how hard.

Financial Savings

Appliances are expensive and hard water leaves a lot of scale and other buildup that wears down the components of the washing machine and dishwasher. Treating your water with softeners prevents a lot of wear and tear, so appliances last longer. Naturally, those benefits apply to the plumbing in your home as well. Water softening systems reduce the risk of mineral deposits and scale, reducing the occurrence of corrosion, and preventing the need for expensive repairs.

Warmer Showers

If you rely on a water heater for hot water and you’ve had to wait for hard water to get warm, you’ll soon find that softened water heats up more quickly. In addition to making your mornings nicer, this benefit is great for your electric or gas bill, as well, because the heater won’t need to run as long. It also means lower maintenance and repair costs as the heater’s motor and elements won’t have to work as hard for your shower.

Softer Clothes

Finally, hard water deposits aren’t nice to clothing, dishes, your skin, and your hair. When you have fox valley plumbing technicians add a water softener to your home’s water system, clothes are softer, your dishes are streak-free, and your skin and hair feel cleaner. You can decrease the amount of soap and detergent in your washing appliances and worry less about the presence of soap scum in the bathroom.

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You don’t need to put up with stiff clothing from the laundry, mineral deposits on your glassware after running through the dishwasher, a significant investment in fabric softeners, appliance repair costs, and that scale buildup around the faucets. Most of these drawbacks can be overcome when you have a water softener installed.