Longer days, warmer weather, and the squeals of children are all part of what makes summer the best time of year for enjoying new experiences. Whether you have a saved all your vacation time during the year, or only have a long weekend to get away, the possibilities may seem endless. To help you choose from among the hundreds of options you have about how to spend your time off, here are the top four picks for this year.

1. Camping

Grab your tent, sleeping bags, and some food and head off to a nearby camping ground for a relaxing night in nature. If allowed, build a fire, tell scary stories, and roast some s’mores. You may be able to feel the stress melt away.

2. Vacation

Take a long vacation to somewhere you have never been. Whether domestic or foreign, the adventure could be the trip of a lifetime. Make sure you take plenty of photos to jog your memory when you get home. Don’t forget to hire a lawn care company Burleson to take care of your yard while you are away.

3. Party

Have a block party. Invite the neighbors to bring a favorite main course, drink, dessert, and a chair. You can provide the plates, silverware, and front lawn. If your city allows it, block off part of the street to provide an area where the children can play.

4. Ocean

If you have never walked in the ocean waves, now is the time! The sound of the surf, the majesty of the water, and the feel of the wet sand between your toes are priceless. If you are lucky, you may even find a seashell or see a whale passing by.

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Experience something new this year. Choose one of the four activities listed above to make your summer a memorable one.