Thousands of people visit haunted attractions every year. From amusement park fun houses to your neighbor’s decorated garage, haunted houses have become a major attraction.

Amusement Parks

Small amusement parks used to be open between Memorial Day and Labor Day, but with the trend toward haunted houses, they are staying open through the fall. Some parks focus on one building where they construct set pieces that move with spring loaded casters, paint the walls black, have characters jump out at customers and more. Other parks go bigger and decorate roller coasters and other rides in a scary theme. Creativity is the only limit.

Haunted Houses

Organizations often set up haunted houses as fund-raisers. Members of the group construct the sets, dress up and run the house. There is often a yearly theme and many people look forward to the opening of the haunted house. Sometimes, businesses will purchase an old factory or commercial site and turn it into a haunted attraction. Individuals who love horror movies and scary themes sometimes decide to open a neighborhood scare in a garage or outbuilding.

Corn Mazes

Outdoor haunts are popular, too. Corn mazes are a great way to spend a chilly night with friends. An industrious farmer will chop down sections of a cornfield, set up scary areas and hire people to dress up and scare customers. It’s a great job for high schoolers. Corn mazes often open in the afternoon with not-so-scary sets for little ones.

Drive-Through Attractions

You can go to a haunted attraction from the comfort of your automobile, too. Many communities put on large pumpkin displays that people can walk or drive through. These tend to be more artistic than scary, but you can get a mug of mulled cider and enjoy the show.

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People love to experience that chill down the spine, especially in the fall. Amusement parks and entrepreneurs all over the country are happy to oblige them.